Course Introduction & Policy, Politics, and Racial Health Inequities
In addition to introducing you to this course overall and the instructors, this first week will focus on how power and control shape access to resources and the impact on health outcomes. You can expect to complete a graded quiz at the end of the week, as well as an ungraded by strongly recommended writing assignment to help you process and apply what you've learned in the first week.
Historical Roots of Health Inequities
The second week will focus on how present-day power structures and control of resources were created over the past six hundred years. Similar to the first week, you can expect to complete a graded quiz and an ungraded writing assignment at the end of the week.
State Violence and Health Inequities
This third and final week of the course will focus on how power and control of resources are enforced through our criminal legal system. In addition to a graded quiz and an ungraded writing assignment, you will be asked to pull together your writings from each of the three weeks into one peer-reviewed graded writing assignment.