Course 1: Framework for Data Collection and Analysis
- This course will provide you with an overview over existing data products and a good understanding of the data collection landscape. With ... Enroll for free.
Course 2: Data Collection: Online, Telephone and Face-to-face
- This course presents research conducted to increase our understanding of how data collection decisions affect survey errors. This is not a ... Enroll for free.
Course 3: Questionnaire Design for Social Surveys
- This course will cover the basic elements of designing and evaluating questionnaires. We will review the process of responding to questions, ... Enroll for free.
Course 4: Sampling People, Networks and Records
- Good data collection is built on good samples. But the samples can be chosen in many ways. Samples can be haphazard or convenient ... Enroll for free.
Course 5: Dealing With Missing Data
- This course will cover the steps used in weighting sample surveys, including methods for adjusting for nonresponse and using data external ... Enroll for free.
Course 6: Combining and Analyzing Complex Data
- In this course you will learn how to use survey weights to estimate descriptive statistics, like means and totals, and more complicated ... Enroll for free.