Sustainable Urban Regeneration

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Acerca de este curso

  • Week 1 - Urban Regeneration: Context and Approaches
    • The week aims to frame the main challenges and opportunities linked to urban development. In this context, the concept of sustainable urban regeneration and its impacts will be described also through the use of worldwide urban regeneration case studies. Guest speakers: Javier Torner, UN-Habitat; Lamia Kamal-Chaoui, OECD; David Miller, C40; Ricky Burdett, LSE Cities
  • Week 2 - Towards Climate Neutral and Resilient Cities
    • The week is focused on one of the main challenges cities are facing nowadays climate change. After the description of the main impacts of climate change at the urban scale, policies and measures to improve urban resilience will be presented with a particular focus on the role of regeneration processes. Guest speakers: Federica Ranghieri, The World Bank; Eero Ailio, European Commission; Wolfgang Teubner, ICLEI
  • Week 3 - Impacts of Urban Regeneration
    • Urban regeneration can improve quality of life in cities generating impacts on economic, environmental, and social domains. The week is dedicated to the analysis of the impacts of urban regeneration processes and their capacity to create private and social value.
      Guest speakers: Andy Bow, Foster and Partners; Mario Abbadessa, Hines Italy; Nicolas Buchoud, Grand Paris Alliance for Metropolitan Development
  • Week 4 - Assessing Urban Regeneration
    • Several standards and protocols have been developed to assess impacts of policies and measures implemented in cities. The week aims to highlight the main potential of those standards focusing on their scale of application, factors, criteria, scores, etc. A specific focus is dedicated on how ESG investment criteria are applied in urban regeneration projects. Guest speakers: Alejandro Gutierrez, Arup; Giuliano Dall’O’, Politecnico of Milan and GBC Italy; Erica Abisso, Intesa Sanpaolo.
  • Week 5 - Institutional Framework and Business Models for Urban Regeneration
    • Cities can adopt different governance models to support urban regeneration processes, capture the value created, and to engage stakeholders. At this purpose, the policies, instruments and business models for urban regeneration will be presented and analyzed during the week. Guest speakers: Rogier van den Berg, WRI Ross Center; Riccardo Serrini, Prelios; Daniela Rizzi, ICLEI Europe
  • Week 6 - Final assessment
    • This week is dedicated to the final assessment of the course.