In the first week, you'll be introduced to the course structure and to the fundamentals surrounding sonata form and the history of the genre.
Ludwig van Beethoven
This week focuses solely on Ludwig van Beethoven. We will discuss matters of sonata theory, the developing piano, and the way that the piano sonata genre was transformed through his innovations. We will consider his sonata repertoire across three major periods.
This week focuses on Romantic composers following Beethoven. First we consider the German tradition - Schubert, Mendelssohn, Schumann, and Brahms - and then the great pianist-virtuosi Chopin and Liszt. Throughout the week we will consider both traditional and innovative approaches to constructing Romantic piano sonatas.
Course Conclusion and Honors Track Formal Analysis
For more advanced learners, an Honors Formal Analysis is available in this final week (not required for completion of the course).