Translation in Practice

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Acerca de este curso

  • A Brief Introduction to Translation
    • This module discusses why translation matters, what is translation, and what is good translation. It also gives an overview of the content of the entire course.
  • The Process of Translation
    • This module discusses the four-step process of translation. Each step is discussed in detail.
  • Understanding and Expressing Word Meaning
    • This module discusses how to understand word meaning in the source language and how to express word meaning in the target language.
  • Sentence Translation: Word Order, Division, and Combination
    • This module discusses the techniques often used in the translation of sentences: keeping/changing the original word order and dividing/combining sentences.
  • Cultural Elements in Translation
    • This module discusses the awareness of cultural elements in the source language and the translation of these cultural elements.
  • Translation of Different Genres of Writing
    • This module discusses the translation of different genres of writing, including scientific writings, legal documents, public speeches, and literary works.