In this module, you will learn about binary search trees and basic algorithms on binary search trees. We will also become familiar with the problem of balancing in binary search trees and study some solutions for balanced binary search trees such as Red-Black Trees.
Basics of Graphs and Graphs Traversals
In this module, you will learn about graphs and various basic algorithms on graphs such as depth first/breadth first traversals, finding strongly connected components, and topological sorting.
Union-Find Data Structures and Spanning Tree Algorithms
Union Find Data-structure with rank compression.
Spanning trees and properties of spanning trees.
Prim’s algorithm for finding minimal spanning trees.
Kruskal’s algorithm for finding minimal spanning trees.
Shortest Path Algorithms
In this module, you will learn about:
Shortest Path Problem: Basics.
Bellman-Ford Algorithm for single source shortest path.
Dijkstra’s algorithm.
Algorithms for all-pairs shortest path problem (Floyd-Warshall Algorithm)