Try RRI! A guide for Responsible Research and Innovation

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  • Introduction
    • Welcome to our course on Responsible Research and Innovation!
      In this online course, you will learn about why it is important to act responsibly in your research and innovation processes and reflect on the different fields of application. You will get introduced to several tools that will help make your own work in research and/or innovation more aware by introducing concepts of RRI and related issues to your work or study settings. In addition, we will present inspiring examples and cases from the NewHoRRIzon RRI pilots, which effectively applied RRI in different sciences. Finally, you will see how you can consider R&I processes from different viewpoints by conducting exercises.
      This course is specifically customized for researchers and students, innovators, policymakers as well as interested people from personal development, education and innovation trainers.
  • RRI - Responsible Research and Innovation, what is it?
    • In this lecture, you will learn what RRI exactly is and why it has become so important for today's society.
  • Get ready for RRI!
    • Now it's time to go into practice! Thus, in this module, you will get to know several tools that will help you reflect and integrate RRI in your daily work. Consequently, this section will be very practical and we will ask you to test and experiment with three different tools that can help you to analyse your research and innovation process. Experimenting with these tools will help you gain the practical know-how needed to quickly and powerfully apply these techniques to your daily work.
  • RRI in collaboration
    • In this module, you will learn about the effective techniques of Social labs which helps apply RRI in groups, gain practice implementing them and getting them to work for yourself. More importantly, you'll learn about the theoretical underpinnings of Social Labs, but also gain the practical know-how needed to quickly and powerfully apply these techniques to new problems. This module will also draw from numerous case studies and applications so that you will learn how to apply RRI in collaboration and be inspired for your own RRI practice.
  • Can you show me examples?
    • Yes, we can! In this last module we will show you different examples, outputs and the personal gains of participants from RRI integration through Social Labs. At the end of this module, you will be asked to design your own future plan for RRI in your working environment and to take a small test about how you plan to do so.