Understanding Memory: Explaining the Psychology of Memory through Movies

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  • Memory Processes and Memory Movies
    • Human memory involves a collection of systems that enable us to remember the past and imagine the future. Films can enhance our understanding of memory by telling us stories about people, illustrating how their present was shaped by their past and how, by watching their stories, we might navigate similar situations in our future.
  • Making Long Lasting Memories
    • Memory’s main purpose is to facilitate future thinking. But to plan successful future actions, effective strategies for learning and retention are needed. Some strategies are highly effective for producing long lasting memories, others are not.
  • Autobiographical Memories and Life Stories
    • Each of us has a life story based on our personal experiences. These autobiographical memories define us and make us unique. But in telling our life story, we have reconstructed a personal narrative, much like a memoir writer. These recollections are generally accurate, but our memories are never a perfect record of the past.
  • Understanding the Reality of Amnesia
    • Amnesia has often been portrayed in film as resulting from a bump on the head and cured by another head bonk. In real life, amnesia can follow physical or emotional trauma, it may be temporary or permanent, and if it resolves, it is never from another blow to the head.
  • Senior Moments, Forgetfulness, and Dementia
    • Changes in memory can occur as we get older. Some changes are normal, whereas others might signal the onset of Alzheimer’s disease or some other form of dementia. Memory loss is worrisome, but there are effective ways to help maintain memory function as we age.