Understanding Research: An Overview for Health Professionals

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Acerca de este curso

Week One: Sections of a Research Article, Abstracts, and the Introduction of a Paper (Literature Review, Significance of Problem, Research Questions, and Operational Definitions)
  • Identify the 4 sections of scientific research articles
  • Determine the purpose of the abstract
  • Identify the 2 key components of the introduction section of an article
  • Identify 3 elements of a research question
  • Understand why operational definitions are important

Week Two: Methods Section — Study Designs
  • Answer 5 questions to identify study designs
  • Understand the relation between types of study designs and the time frame of the study
  • Identify the data collection procedures by the study design
  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of cohort, cross-sectional, and case-control study designs

Week Three: Methods Section — Sample Selection, Setting, Measurement (Instruments, Validity, and Reliability)

  • Differentiate a sample from a population
  • Identify the strengths of probability versus non-probability sampling
  • Determine inclusion versus exclusion criteria when developing a plan for sample selection
  • Identify different types of instruments included in research studies
  • Explain how instruments are determined to be valid and reliable
  • Identify types of internal validity and reliability
  • Identify data collection procedures

Week Four: Methods Section —Bias, Types of Variables and Rates (Incidence and Prevalence)

  • Identify types of bias related to all study designs
  • Identify types of bias specific to experimental studies
  • Determine the difference between parametric and nonparametric statistics
  • Differentiate categorical and continuous variables
  • Identify the difference between incidence and prevalence rates
Week Five: Ethical Issues, Human Subjects Committee / Institutional Review Boards, and the Discussion of a Paper (Clinical Implications, Limitations, and Future Studies)
  • Understand the history of research ethics
  • Determine the ethical lessons learned from the Tuskegee Study in the United States (U.S.)
  • Identify studies conducted in the U.S. that raised new ethical issues
  • Identify key components of the discussion section of a research article

Week Six: Final Exam