Welcome to the third course in the Unity Certified Programmer exam preparation series. For the first week of this course, you'll begin to build out the Stealth game. It's a third-person, 3D game with stealth mechanics, and the first thing you'll do is implement the navigation of the "enemy," a robot sentry.
Character Animation and Camera Control
The enemy agent can now move around the level, but we need to let our a player character or avatar move. In this week's lessons, you'll implement character animation and a sophisticated camera system to track it.
Environmental Interactions
Next, you'll create a set of environmental interactions that will give context to the character and enemy movement and help complete the core interaction loop for the Stealth game.
2D Overlays: Mini-Map
Finally for this course, you'll give the player the ability to look beyond what the main camera shows by creating a mini-map that renders in a corner of the screen. Your work on this mini-map will be reviewed by your peers for your final graded assessment of the course.