Acquirer firms may divest their investments in other firms in some exotic ways. In this module, you will explore two notable special divestitures: spinoffs and equity carveouts.
Corporate Reorganizations
Acquirer firms may obtain the control of target firms in some exotic ways. In this module, you will explore two notable corporate reorganizations: leveraged buyouts (LBOs) and recapitalizations (RECAPs).
Tax Considerations in Inter-Corporate Investments
Inter-corporate investments can result in special tax issues for target shareholders and target firms. In this module, you will explore taxable versus tax-free transactions, step-ups versus carryovers, deferred taxes, and miscellaneous acquisition-related tax issues including loss trafficking and goodwill taxation.
Financial Statement Analysis (FSA) with Inter-Corporate Investments
Financial statement analysis (FSA) builds models to evaluate past position and predict future performance of a firm using financial statements. In this module, you will explore FSA in the presence of inter-corporate investments and calculation of organic versus acquired growth.