In this section students will learn to derive the "derivative formula." We will define angular velocity for 3D motion and learn to determine and solve for the Angular Acceleration for a body.
Velocities in Moving Reference Frames; Accelerations in Moving Reference Frames; The Earth as a Moving Frame
In this section students will learn about velocities in moving reference frames, accelerations in moving reference frames, and the Earth as a moving frame.
Eulerian Angles; Eulerian Angles Rotation Matrices; Angular Momentum in 3D; Inertial Properties of 3D Bodies
In this section students will learn about Eulerian Angles rotation matrices, angular momentum in 3D, and intertial properties of 3D bodies.
Translational and Rotational Transformations of Inertial Properties; Principal Axes and Principal Moments of Inertia
In this section students will learn about translational and rotational transformations of inertial properties, and principal axes and principal moments of inertia.
Motion Equations Governing 3D Rotational Motion of a Rigid Body (Euler Equations)
In this section students will learn to develop Euler Equations for 3d motion and solve for the motion of a rigid body undergoing 3D rotational motion.
3D Impulse-Momentum Principles; 3D Work-Energy Principles
In this section students will learn to develop and apply the principle of impulse-momentum and about 3D work-energy principles.