Agile Organisation: Strategies for Business Resilience

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Acerca de este curso

  • Week 1: The Need for Strategic Resilience
    • This week, we will explore what strategic resilience really means and start discussing the ideas and frameworks you should be implementing to keep your organisation future fit.
  • Week 2: Techniques for Building Strategic Resilience
    • We look at building strategic resilience through the lens of agility loops, scenario planning and new approaches to difficult choices in uncertain times.
  • Week 3: Operational Resilience - Tools and Practices
    • This week, we will focus on the practical tools and practices for building resilience, firstly by studying the supply chain and then the risks involved in finance and information management.
  • Week 4: Operational Resilience - Creating a Resilient Organisation
    • This week, we will look at some key examples of how risk management decisions are made within a complex adaptive system. We will then look at how you can design your own management experiment.
  • Week 5: A Resilient and Agile Environment
    • This week, we will begin our look into behavioural resilience, focusing on team dynamics and how your role affects the people you manage.

  • Week 6: Behavioural Resilience and Agility – Your Role
    • This week, we will dive deeper into the subject of behavioural resilience within the workplace, focusing on individual responsibilities and your role as a leader.