Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: Foundations

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Acerca de este curso

  • Course Introduction
    • In this module, you'll become familiar with the structure and layout of the course.
  • Introduction to Google Cloud
    • This module helps you start off with the right framework of concepts. After a review of fundamentals cloud computing, you will learn about how Google Cloud's resources around the world are organized into regions and zones. You'll also learn how you can organize the resources you use in Google Cloud, so that you can manage them. Finally, you'll meet the tools that let you connect to Google Cloud and allocate, change, and release resources.
  • Introduction to Containers and Kubernetes
    • In this module you will learn about software containers and their benefits are for application deployment. You'll configure and build containers. You'll also learn about the functions container that management solutions like Kubernetes provide. You'll encounter the advantages of Google Kubernetes Engine compared to building your own container-management infrastructure.
  • Kubernetes Architecture
    • In this module you’ll learn the components of a Kubernetes cluster and how they work together. You'll deploy a Kubernetes cluster using Google Kubernetes Engine and deploy Pods to a GKE cluster. You'll also view and manage several very useful kinds of Kubernetes objects.