Changing Weather and Climate in the Great Lakes Region

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Acerca de este curso

Each week of the course examines the weather of each season, observed climate change and expert interviews exploring relevant issues and changes that are underway.

  • Week 1: Winter: (Dec-Jan-Feb) You will learn about classic storm tracks, lake effect snow, extreme winter events and weather safety as well as changes in snow cover, temperature and lake ice.  
  • Week 2: Spring: (Mar-Apr-May) This week will focus on the water cycle in the Great Lakes Region and how heavy precipitation events affect urban areas.
  • Week 3: Summer: (Jun-Jul-Aug) Week three will feature content on air quality, heat waves and severe summer storms.
  • Week 4: Fall/Autumn: (Sept-Oct-Nov) The final week of the course examines the sometimes turbulent weather of the Great Lakes region in autumn. We will also learn about agriculture in the region and some ways individuals can mitigate and adapt to changing climate conditions.