From Climate Science to Action

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    Guía de Registro en Coursera

Acerca de este curso

  • Climate Change in the 21st Century
    • Week 1 will introduce you to the growing and well-documented body of evidence regarding observed changes in the climate system. Week 1 will also provide an overview of the projected changes in climate up until the end of the 21st century.
  • Sectoral and Regional Impacts
    • Week 2 will introduce you to the climate impacts across different regions of the planet. If warming goes beyond 2˚C, multiple threats associated with a warming planet such as extreme heat waves, sea–level rise, more intense storms, droughts and floods, will be more frequent and will have severe negative implications for the poorest and most vulnerable.
  • From Science to Action on Climate Change
    • Week 3 will introduce you to a region-specific understanding of challenges on what mitigation and adaptation actions are needed to reduce emissions, at the same time decreasing vulnerability to climate change impacts and building climate resilience. The module will draw on key regional experts involved in the implementation of different policy instruments.
  • What You Can Do
    • This week will introduce you to the types of actions not just by your country, but by different actors including yourself, to embark on a low-emissions development trajectory that would help limit warming to below 2°C.