In this week, you will learn about name, nationality, age, phone number and other personal information as well as basic greetings. Together with these topics, you will also have opportunities to practise pinyin. If you have never learnt pinyin, you may need a bit more time on it; if you have already learnt it, you could skip the related contents.
Family and school/university
How do you introduce your family? Do you have any pets? If you are a student, would you like to tell us something about your school or university? At the end of this week, you will be able to answer the questions above in Chinese.
Time and weather
What time do you get up? When is your birthday? What is the weather like in different places in China? This week, you will learn how to ask and answer questions about the time and the weather.
Work and hobbies
What do you do? Where would you like to work? Do you like watching films? What is your favorite sport? You will be able to answer these questions in Chinese after this week!
Shopping and food
Whether you like it or hate it, shopping is very much a part of daily life. What do you usually buy? How to ask the price in Chinese? Do you like online shopping? These lessons may give you more confidence when going to a Chinese supermarket or restaurant!
Traffic and directions
How do you get to your school/university/office? Do you like walking? Where would you like to visit? Can you describe the location of the place? What time is your flight? At the end of this week, you will be able to talk about traffic and directions in Chinese!