This course addresses the process of supporting urban water and sanitation utilities in transitioning to reducing their carbon emissions to contribute to climate change mitigation and to benefit from the impacts of this process. We will explore the five steps of the roadmap to carry out this process, as well as the use of the Energy and Carbon Performance Assessment and Monitoring (ECAM) tool, which serves, among other things, to assess the carbon footprint and measure energy efficiency. Finally, we will conclude by addressing climate risks in urban water and sanitation companies, as well as methodologies for their evaluation.
Module 1: Climate Change in the Urban Water Sector
In this introductory module of the course, we will delve into fundamental concepts such as climate change. Additionally, we will examine the ways in which water and sanitation companies both influence and are affected by this phenomenon. Finally, we will explore actionable strategies for mitigating and adapting to climate change.
Module 2: Roadmap to a Low-Carbon Urban Water Utility
In this module, we will focus on actions that water and sanitation companies can take to reduce their carbon emissions, following a five-step roadmap.
Module 3: Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Fundamentals of Calculating
In this module, we will explore the various greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions originating from water and wastewater utilities in the urban water sector. We will also learn how to utilize the ECAM tool to analyze GHG emissions within these companies, with the aim of identifying opportunities for performance improvement and emissions reduction.
Module 4: Climate Risks in the Water and Sanitation Sector
In this final module of the course, we will study what some of the climate risks are for water and wastewater management through available methodologies to assess them, as well as how they can be reduced.