In this module you get an overview of the courses in this specialization and what you can expect.
Course Overview
In this module you learn about the scope of this course and you access the software and files you will use for practices in the course.
Time Series Basics
In this module, you learn about converting transactional sequences to time series. Other topics include exploring signal components in time series via decompositions and binning, and creating new time series features.
Distance Measures
In this module you learn about the usefulness of distance or similarity measures between time series. Calculated distance measure are used as the basis in two analyses.
Spectral Analysis and Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA)
In this module, we discuss and illustrate the basic ideas and applications in frequency domain analysis. We also discuss SSA and present demonstrations of applied SSA.
Motif Analysis
In this module you learn about detecting motifs in times series and their usefulness.