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Cryptocurrency and Blockchain: An Introduction to Digital Currencies

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  • Module 1: Introduction to Cryptocurrency
    • In this module, you’ll define Bitcoin and understand its popularity as a currency. You’ll discuss the methodology behind transacting with Bitcoin, and gain a deep understanding of the definition of currency and the critical importance of a shared common belief behind a unit of currency. You’ll also analyze the growth of centralized intermediaries that facilitate dollar transactions using cash-alternative methodologies and their role in currency. By the end of this module, you’ll have a more clearly defined understanding of why cryptocurrency and bitcoin is used as a cash-alternative method, and how Bitcoin derives its potential value in the current market.
  • Module 2: Rules and Structure of Bitcoin
    • This module was designed to analyze the problems that a decentralized currency must solve in order to be successful, and how Bitcoin meets these challenges using cryptology and blockchain technology. After identifying the philosophy of identity behind the concept of property rights, you'll learn how Bitcoin utilizes digital signatures in their transactions to ensure privacy for individuals. Then, you’ll examine how blockchain technology employs Hash Functions to detect tampering attempts. Finally, you’ll explore the creation and concept of Distributed Consensus Protocol and how Proof of Work incentivizes honest trading and stable currency creation. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to identify the importance of digital signatures, Blockchain, and Proof of Work in the stability of Bitcoin as a currency.
  • Module 3: Cryptocurrency as an Asset Class
    • In this module, you’ll examine Cryptocurrency as an asset class, and delve deeper into whether Cryptocurrency has a place in individual investment portfolios. Through examining the theory and data perspective of traditional finance, you’ll understand the risks and returns on Bitcoin and its place in a more stable and predictable portfolio. You’ll also learn about the Capital Asset Pricing Model, and key concepts of Modern Portfolio Theory such as Tangency Portfolio and the Sharpe Ratio. Through calculating and specifying both Beta and Alpha of Bitcoins, you’ll be able to accurately measure the systematic risk the investor takes in creating a portfolio with Bitcoin. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to estimate and analyze the values of Beta and Alpha in Cryptocurrency, and effectively optimize utility in incorporating Cryptocurrency as an asset for your portfolio.
  • Module 4: The Blockchain Ecosystem
    • In this module, you’ll explore the Blockchain Ecosystem and the numerous use cases for Blockchain in different industries. Through examination of the key attributes of Blockchain, you’ll discover how Blockchain is built. You’ll also learn about the difference between Proof of Work and Proof of Stake, and the two interoperabilities of Blockchain. Through analyzing the different types of crypto finance, you’ll explore the different use cases of Blockchain in business, gaming, and investing. By the end of this module, you’ll have a deeper understanding of the fundamentals of Blockchain, be able to utilize Blockchain in many different contexts, and assess how Blockchain will affect both business and society in the future.