Week - 1
1.Introduction to Cyber Space2.Introduction to Information Systems3.Need for Cyber Security
Week - 2
4.Introduction to Cyber Attacks5.Classification of Cyber Attacks6.Classification of Malware, Threats
Week - 3
7.Vulnerability Assessment8.Intrusion Detection Systems9.Intrusion Prevention Systems
Week - 4
10.Introduction to User Authentication Methods11.Biometric Authentication Methods12.Biometric Systems
Week - 5
13.Different Security Models and Security Mechanisms14.Information Security and Network Security15.Operating System Security
Week - 6
16.Web Security17.Email Security18.Mobile Device Security, Cloud Security
Week - 7
19.IoT Security20.Cyber Physical System Security21.Social Media Security
Week - 8
22.Virtual Currency23.Block Chain Technology24.Security Auditing
Week - 9
25.Cyber Crimes26.Different Types of Cyber Crimes, Scams and Frauds
Week - 10
27.Analysis of Crimes, Human Behavior28.Stylometry, Incident Handling
Week - 11
29.Investigation Methods30.Criminal Profiling, Cyber Trails
Week - 12
31.Digital Forensics, History, Challenges32.Branches of Digital Forensics
Week - 13
33.Digital Forensic Investigation Methods34.Reporting, Management of Evidence
Week - 14
35.Cyber Law-Basics36.Information Technology Act 200037.Amendments to IT Act 2000
Week - 15
38.Evidentiary value of Email/SMS, Cybercrimes and Offenses dealt with IPC39.RBI Act and IPR Act in India40.Jurisdiction of Cyber Crime, Cyber Security Awareness Tips