Democratic Development

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    Guía de Registro en Coursera

Acerca de este curso

Week 1
Introduction to the Course, Why Democracy?
What Is Democracy? Regime Types
The Third Wave of Democratization and its Ebb 

Week 2
Legitimacy, Authority and Effectiveness
Democratic Consolidation

Week 3
Political Culture and Democracy
Are Democratic Values Universal?

Week 4
Economic Development
Class Structure and Inequality
Civil Society

Week 5
Democratic Transition: Paths and Drivers
Democratic Transition: Types and Means

Week 6
Constitutional Design
Presidential vs. Parliamentary Government
Parties and Party Systems

Week 7
Electoral Systems
Choosing between Different Systems

Week 8
Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflict
Managing Ethnic Conflict

Week 9
Horizontal Accountability and the Rule of Law
Controlling Corruption
Democratic Breakdowns

Week 10
International Factors
Promoting Democracy

Week 11
The Future of Democracy