Effective Communication Capstone Project

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Acerca de este curso

  • Capstone Introduction
    • Quentin, Dave, and William introduce learners to the Capstone, discuss options for the project, and provide learners with an overview of the elements necessary for completion.
  • Writing the Memo
    • Compose a highly polished draft of your memo. You'll review the key lessons from Business Writing so that you have a fresh reminder of the principles and techniques that drive all great writing. Then, you'll receive peer feedback (and a grade!) in preparation to create the visual elements and speech that will comprise your final project.
  • Designing the Slides
    • Design presentation slides which will illustrate key points from your memo. We'll review a few lectures from the graphic design course and work to make your slides functional and visually attractive. The final slides will be used in your capstone presentation.
  • Creating the Presentation
    • Create a draft of your final presentation. You'll draw on the work you've done writing your memo and designing your slides. As in the previous modules, you can review some of the videos and documents from the previous MOOC, "Successful Presentation," and you're work here will lay the foundation for your final revision.
  • The Final Push
    • You've reached the final module of Effective Communication, and you're ready to produce your very best work. In this module, we ask you to pull together your memo, slides, and speech into a powerful expression of who you are.