FinTech and the Transformation in Financial Services
The FinTech revolution is rapidly transforming the financial industry. The use of digital technologies is the norm, and together with regulatory and market changes it is creating a revolution. To begin, we recommend taking a few minutes to explore the course site. A good place to start is the navigation bar on the left. Click 'Course Content' to see what material we will cover each week, as well preview the assignments you will need to complete. Click 'Discussions' to see forums where you can discuss the course material with fellow students taking the class. Be sure to introduce yourself to everyone in the 'Meet and Greet' forum! This course should take four weeks to complete. You can check out the recommended course schedule below to see a quick overview of the lessons and assignments you will complete each week. After completion of the course, you'll be able to: describe the changes that influence the financial sector, understand the complexity of the payment infrastructure, identify and explain the key payment instruments and how they function, understand the types of money that exits, and recognize changes in the regulatory frameworks and how they inhibit or promote innovation.
FinTech essentials
In this module, we begin exploring FinTech. We start off by get to know Fintech, by looking into six different FinTech domains, followed by FinTech as an area of investments. Then we dig into the technologies of FinTech, before we look at the regulatory changes that transforms the industry. After completion of the module, you will be able to: summarize the domains of FinTech; describe the FinTech market and make arguments for what the sector is emerging; outline the Financial technologies and how the are transforming the market; give examples of how regulations influence the FinTech market
Money and payments
At the heart of the Fintech revolution you will find money and payments. It makes the world go around. In this module, we will learn about money and its history, difference between central bank money and bank money, different payment instruments, and finally how payment instruments are used in contemporary payment methods.
Payment systems
Money has several roles, including a medium of exchange, i.e. as a payment. In this module, we focus on the complex digital platforms or eco-systems that surrounds payments. We this from four different perspectives or level of analysis, including bank level, national level, and cross border level. However, first we shall look into the payment process.
Lending and crowdfunding
The digital transformation is radically transforming the financial services as we used to know them and new areas and domains emerge. In this module, we are focusing on three areas. First, we look at P2P lending, then crowdfunding, before we conclude with open banking.