This first week is dedicated to the atmosphere that surrounds the airplane and allows it to fly, and to the basis of flight physics. We will focus on the environment in which the airplane evolves: the atmosphere. We will examine its physics to better understand the effect of altitude on pressure, temperature, or the speed of sound.
Speeds used in flight mechanics
At the end of this second week, you will be able to explain why we are using various speeds in flight mechanics, like Calibrated Airspeed, True Airspeed, or Equivalent Airspeed, and what is the precise definition for each of them.
Practical : The Zp, Mach, Vc Diagram
To finish this course, we propose to manipulate some data to allow you to really understand the practical implications of all the concepts discussed.
General assessment
In this final graded assessment, you will check your knowledge and apply all the concepts covered in the course.