Harvard vía Coursera

Fundamentals of VueJS

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  • Introduction to VueJS and Basic Concepts
    • In Module 1, "Introduction to VueJS and Basic Concepts," we lay the foundation for your journey into Vue.js, a versatile and progressive JavaScript framework for building web applications. In Lesson 1, you will gain an understanding of VueJS, set up your development environment, and create your first Vue application. In Lesson 2, we dive into data binding and event handling, covering topics such as data binding, event handling, and conditional rendering.
  • Components and State Management
    • In Module 2, "Components and State Management," we delve deeper into Vue.js, focusing on building modular and scalable applications. Lesson 1 is all about components, where you will learn the essentials of creating and using components, passing props, emitting events, and working with slots and scoped slots. In Lesson 2, we explore state management in Vue, introducing Vuex as a state management library and guiding you through working with Vuex to handle complex application state.