There are many laws, legal frameworks, and international frameworks that describe gender equality and provide guidelines for identifying and removing discrimination. In this module, we'll ask the question: What does it mean to different individuals, communities, and nations to learn that gender inequality is unlawful?
The Theory and Practice of Gender Equality
There are many theories about gender equality and multiple practices developed from those theories. In this module, you will explore why, despite these efforts, gender equality is so misunderstood, hard to achieve, and resisted.
Intersectionality: What Does Gender Have to do with Identity, Race, Class, Age, Disability, Diversity and Sexual Orientation?
Intersectionality has become one of the key buzzwords associated with gender equality. In this module, you will explore what this term means and why it is becoming increasingly important to governments and decision-makers.
The ‘Lexicon’ (Language) of Gender Equality
Learning to use the correct terms and definitions associated with gender equality creates the basis for informed discussion and better outcomes. In this module, you will learn how to lead by example by using the right words for the right situation.