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Geospatial Analysis with ArcGIS

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  • Course Overview and Geospatial Analysis and Spatial Relationships
    • After this module, you will be able to explain what geospatial analysis is and describe the geospatial analysis tool available for use in ArcGIS Pro formats, and the use cases for each. You will be able to demonstrate how to convert between different vector data types using ArcGIS Pro and describe what coordinate systems and projection systems are, and be able to compare and contrast different projection systems. You will compare and contrast different types of spatial relationships that can help answer "where" questions and demonstrate how to use the polygon neighbors tool to conduct an adjacency analysis. You'll be able to analyze the amount of overlap between spatial datasets using the select by location and summarize within tools in ArcGIS Pro, as well as analyze how near and far apart features are using the buffer and near tools in ArcGIS Pro. Finally, you'll be able to explain the process of creating a project proposal for a GIS-based project.
  • Network Analysis
    • After this module, you will be able to describe what extensions are in ArcGIS Pro and recognize what additional geospatial analysis tools can be accessed using extensions. You will be able to differentiate what types of analyses can be run using the network analyst extension. You'll be able to create a network dataset and be able to explain the inputs required to run a network analysis. You will conduct a routing analysis using ArcGIS Pro and the Network Analyst extension and apply a routing-based service analysis to explore what features are accessible within a specified travel time.
  • Heatmaps and Hotspot Analysis
    • After this module, you will be able to describe what interpolation is, and how it can be used in geospatial analysis. You will be able to demonstrate how to create raster surfaces from point data and describe what environmental variables are and how they can control the outputs of some spatial analysis tools. You'll be able to use the raster calculation and reclassification tools to prepare raster datasets for analysis and demonstrate how to use the zonal statistics tool to summarize raster datasets by specific geographic areas. You'll be able to describe pattern and clustering analysis methods available in ArcGIS Pro and use the spatial statistics tools to analyze spatial patterns. You will be able to apply the geographic distribution tools to understand the spatial shape and orientation of features and finally use the cluster analysis tools to identify and map clusters of features in ArcGIS Pro.
  • Data Storytelling Using ArcGIS Online
    • After this module, you will be able to describe how to make maps that support effect data storytelling and demonstrate how to create charts and graphs in ArcGIS Pro. You will be able to describe when it is appropriate to use a map, a table, or a chart. You will be able to describe what a StoryMap is and why it is a useful storytelling tool. Finally, you'll be able to demonstrate how to publish layers and maps from ArcGIS Pro to ArcGIS Online.