Heritage under Threat

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Acerca de este curso

  • Welcome to this course
    • Great that you are joining us! In this course you will learn about your heritage and how you can preserve it. Before you start with studying we invite you to first go through our introduction module and introduce yourself in the forum to meet your fellow learners. If you encounter any difficulties while studying, please let us know on the forum. For technical difficulties or questions regarding the course certificate, you can always contact the Coursera Learner Helpdesk. Good luck & we hope you will enjoy studying in this course!
  • What is your heritage?
    • Hi everybody and welcome to the first module of this MOOC! We have an exciting course prepared for you, with a large variety of topics to be discussed. Some of which can become quite technical, but are necessary in order for you to understand the frameworks we are dealing with. For this week however, we are starting somewhat slowly and view cultural heritage from a very personal point of view. This is important because, as you will also learn later, a personal view and inclusive heritage is one of the main ways to go forward and battle for heritage which is under threat. We'd like you to introduce yourself to your fellow students before diving into the content, so make sure to select the next discussion prompt first!
  • Heritage and inequality
    • Hi everybody welcome to the second module! Last week we talked about the concept of heritage and how heritage can be very personal. This week we will dive into how heritage is actually defined, both within the field of (archaeological) heritage management, as well as for local communities. We will also discuss various forms of inequality which unfortunately can come with defining and framing something as heritage. Please watch the video's we have prepared for you first and then proceed with the quizz and case study!
  • Heritage, communities and ownership
    • Hi everybody welcome to the third module!Last week we talked about the definition of heritage and how this can sometimes invoke inequality. This week we will discuss the role of communities and the impact of heritage ownership. Please watch the video's we have prepared for you first and then proceed with the quizz and case study!Have fun!
  • Heritage threats
    • Hi all! Welcome to the fourth module!Last week we talked about local communities and the impact of heritage ownership. This week we will dive into the various threats to heritage, both anthropogenic as well as natural. We also have a very interesting, relevant and timely case study prepared for you! Please watch the video's we have prepared for you first and then proceed with the quizz and case study!
  • Heritage protection
    • Hi all! Welcome to the fifth module!Last week we discussed the various threats to heritage, both man-made as well as natural. This week we will discuss how we can actually protect cultural heritage and which measures we have at our disposal to do so. Please watch the video's we have prepared for you first and then proceed with the quizz and case study!
  • Inclusive heritage
    • Hi all! Welcome to the sixth and last module! Did you enjoy the course thus far?Last week we talked about the opportunities we have to protect heritage. This final week we will discuss how heritage can be utilized to create an inclusive, sensitive and thoughtful society. We will also discuss some of the more technological developments going on in the world of video games and virtual reality, all helping to create an open and inclusive heritage discourse. Let us know what you think! Please watch the video's we have prepared for you first and then proceed with the quizz and case study! Good luck with your final tasks!