History of the Slave South

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Week One (January 19-January 25)

Lecture 1: New Worlds in the Making 

Lecture 2: Slavery and the Making of the Atlantic World


Olaudah Equiano, The Interesting Life of Olaudah Equiano; Or, Gustavus Vassa (1789). (Read OnlyFrontmatter, Chapters 1 and 2)


Discussion Board Post 1 – Suggested Due Date: 01/25 at noon (EST)

Week Two (January 27-February 02)

Lecture 3: Servitude and Slavery on the Periphery

Lecture 4: Emergence of Southern Slavery


State of Virginia, "Enactment of Hereditary Slavery" (1662)

State of South Carolina, "An Act for the Better Ordering and Governing Negroes and Other Slaves in this Province" (1740).


Discussion Board Post 2 – Suggested Due Date: 02/01 at noon (EST)

Week Three (February 03-February 09)

Lecture 5: William Byrd’s World

Lecture 6: Planters’ Revolution


William Byrd II, "William Bryd II to Charles Boyle, Earl of Orrery" (1726). (Read OnlyPages 59-62).

Earl of Dunmore, "Proclamation" (1775).   

Thomas Jefferson, "The Declaration of Independence" (1776). 


Discussion Board Post 3 – Suggested Due Date: 02/10 at noon (EST)

Week Four (February 10-February 16)

Lecture 7: Slaves’ Revolution

Lecture 8: Jefferson and Slavery


Thomas Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia (1785). (Read OnlyQueries XIV and XVIII)


Discussion Board Post 4 – Suggested Due Date: 02/16 at noon (EST)

Writing Assignment 1 – Suggest Due Date: 2/18 at noon (EST)

Peer Feedback 1 – Suggested Due Date: 02/22 at noon (EST)  

Week Five (February 17-February 23)

Lecture 9: Slavery’s Constitution

Lecture 10: Empire of Cotton


Committee and Council of the Cherokee Nation "Address of the Committee and Council of the Cherokee Nation Convened to the People of the United States" (1830).

Charles Ball, Fifty Years in Chains; Or, The Life of an American Slave (1859). (Read OnlyChapters 2 and 5)


Discussion Board Post 5 – Suggested Due Date: 02/21 at noon (EST) 

Week Six (February 24-March 02)

Lecture 11: Plantation Regime

Lecture 12: Masters and Slaves


James Henry Hammond, "Letter to an English Abolitionist" (1845).


Discussion Board Post 6 – Suggested Due Date: 03/01 at noon (EST)

Week Seven (March 03-March 09)

Lecture 13: World the Slaves Made

Lecture 14: Yeoman Farmers and Slaveholder’s Democracy

Solomon Northrup, Twelve Years a Slave (1853). (Read OnlyChapter XII)

Harriet Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861). (Read OnlyChapters V, VI, VII, X, and XIV)


Discussion Board Post 7 – Suggested Due Date: 03/08 at noon (EST)

Writing Assignment 2 – Suggested Due Date: 03/12 at noon (EST)

Peer Feedback 2 – Suggested Due Date: 03/17 at noon (EST) 

Week Eight (March 10-March 16)

Lecture 15: Democracy and Empire or The Problem of the Territories

Lecture 16: Political Collapse 


John Archibald Campbell, "Nashville Convention of 1850: Resolutions" (1850). (Read OnlyPages 122-125)

State of Georgia, "Georgia Platform" (1850).

James Henry Hammond, "Cotton is King Speech" (1858).


Discussion Board Post 8 – Suggested Due Date: 03/15 at noon (EST) 

Week Nine (March 17-March 23)

Lecture 17: Secession Solution

Lecture 18: Confederate Republic


State of Mississippi, "A Declaration of the Immediate Causes which Induce and Justify the Secession of the State of Mississippi from the Federal Union" (1860).

The Confederate States of America, "The Confederate Constitution" (1861).

Alexander Stephens, "Corner Stone Speech" (1861).


Discussion Board Post 9 – Suggested Due Date: 03/22 at noon (EST)

Writing Assignment 3 – Suggested Due Date: 03/26 at noon (EST)

Peer Feedback 3 – Due on 03/31 at noon (EST)

Week Ten (March 24-March 30)

Lecture 19: Confederate Reckoning

Lecture 20: The Slaves’ Civil War or the Fall of the Slave South


Patrick Cleburne, "Patrick Cleburne's Proposal to Arm Slaves" (1864).


Discussion Board Post 10 – Suggested Due Date: 03/29 at noon (EST)