By the end of this project, you will be able to install and configure SpotBugs, SonarLint and TestNG with Eclipse. Throughout the project, You will be able to identify plugins and use them. Moreover, you will use Eclipse’s Marketplace which is such a versatile and important tool for any aspiring Java developer that will be using Eclipse in his line of work.This guided project is for beginners. The prerequisites of this course is to have basic programming knowledge to understand the various terminologies that I will be mentioning throughout this guided project. It is dedicated to those interested in using Eclipses’s marketplace to install plugins. In particular, we will focus on SpotBugs, SonarLint and TestNG. These specific plugins will ease the coding process of any aspiring Java developer. The quality of your code will drastically increase. Eclipse is considered one of the most popular and most powerful IDEs, it’s widely used by many companies around the world.