Introduction to Recommender Systems

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Introduction to Recommender Systems
This module introduces recommender systems and the course. It includes a detailed taxonomy of the types of recommender systems, and also includes a detailed tour of’s recommenders. There is an introductory assessment in the final lesson that leads you through exploring recommender systems on their own.

Non-Personalized Recommenders
This module covers non-personalized recommender systems, including recommendation based on summary statistics and on product-association rules. These recommenders, which are widely used in practice, include overall popularity (how many people like this? what’s the average rating?) and product-to-product recommenders such as “people who bought this item also bought” recommenders. There is an assessment at the end of the module that has you compute non-personalized recommendations.

Content-Based Recommenders
This module covers content-based recommender systems. These systems build a profile of content preferences based on the content attributes associated with items the users has liked or disliked. We’ll discuss common mechanisms for building and maintaining content preference profiles and have an assessment that has you complete hand computations of content profiles and recommendations.

User-User Collaborative Filtering
This module covers user-user collaborative filtering recommender systems. This classic method matches a user against other users with similar preferences and then combines the preferences of those “nearest neighbor” users to form predictions and recommendations. We cover a number of tunings and variations on the algorithm, and have an assessment where you implement your own user-user CF recommender in a spreadsheet.

This module focuses on metrics and evaluation. It introduces a variety of metric types, individual metrics, experimental techniques, and evaluation goals. In many ways, it is at the heart of the course -- what’s the point in having lots of different algorithms if you can’t tell which is better in a situation? The assessment at the end of this module takes you through a set of situations to test your understanding of effective evaluation.

Item Based
This module introduces item-item collaborative filtering, an early innovation that improved run-time performance by computing relationships among items from user rating data. We also look at the interesting case of unary implicit data (like it or don’t know) and have an assessment that has you compute item-item recommendations in a spreadsheet.

Dimensionality Reduction
This module introduces matrix factorization recommendation algorithms, the class of algorithms that seems to be among the most promising today for good recommendation quality and scalability. We introduce you to the concepts behind these algorithms, some specific implementations, and a look at current directions. Your last assessment in the course involves computing predictions and recommendations from factored-matrix representations of ratings matrices.

Advanced Topics
This is our concluding module; it includes coverage of topics such as security threats and the cold-start problem as well as a number of other practical issues. This module also consists of a three-part final exam, covering modules 6-8.