Nuclear Knowledge Management

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Acerca de este curso

  • Knowledge Concepts with an Introduction to Nuclear Knowledge
    • This module will introduce the basic terminology and concepts relevant to understanding knowledge with an emphasis on knowledge in the nuclear industry.
  • Knowledge Management (KM): History and Development
    • This module will introduce the learner to the concept of knowledge management (KM) by reviewing its history and development from its early beginnings to today’s business focus. The learner will be exposed to the importance of capturing and sharing knowledge in the business world and of the fact that knowledge is an asset with value to the organization. Knowledge management benefits will be outlined and various approaches and implementation strategies will be analyzed.
  • Knowledge Management in Nuclear Science and Technology
    • This module presents main reasons for applying knowledge management (KM) in nuclear industry organizations as well as basic approaches for KM implementation. The elements of an effective KM system are explained including the role of nuclear stakeholders in implementing KM. The module also provides a strategic approach and practical solution to address the potential loss of critical knowledge in nuclear organizations.
  • Managing Tacit Knowledge
    • This module will review tacit knowledge, its importance and how it can be managed and therefore preserved for current and future nuclear applications (both power and non-power). As the characteristics of tacit knowledge are explored, techniques for prioritizing and identifying critical knowledge will be covered. Because tacit knowledge is undocumented and considered to reside in the mind of the holder, emphasis will be placed on using the appropriate tools and techniques to identify, capture and transfer this knowledge.
  • Managing Nuclear Information
    • This module provides the basis of managing nuclear information: from short history to the contemporary specialized nuclear information resources. The module describes the main types and sources of nuclear information and the most critical phases of information preservation. Various types of knowledge organization systems are explained as well its role in structuring and organizing nuclear information and knowledge.
  • Nuclear Knowledge Management Organizational Challenges
    • The module covers organizational challenges in applying nuclear knowledge management (NKM). A wide spectrum of problems associated with an integration of NKM in organizational management system is presented. The relationship between NKM and corporative culture is discussed – the main idea being how to build and maintain knowledge-sharing culture. A practical recommendation on how to set up, implement and assess NKM projects is provided.
  • Implementing Knowledge Management in Nuclear Organizations
    • The module covers the issues of implementing knowledge management (KM) in nuclear organizations. The first topic provides specific of implementing KM in nuclear power plants (NPPs) covering a wide spectrum of problems associated with NPP life cycle, NPP performance and safety. The second topic describes specifics of NKM in research and development (R&D) organizations. A R&D organization is a knowledge-based organization by nature and the main products of such organizations are new knowledge, intellectual properties and innovations. The topic provides the overview of the most important KM activities for improving R&D organization efficiency and innovation potential. The last topic presents how universities manage knowledge and why they should bother with increasing the efficiency of KM.
  • Nuclear Knowledge Management Maturity Assessment
    • The assessment of how effectively an organization is managing its knowledge assets is a challenging task. This module provides a short overview of the most popular KM assessment models and describes the methodology of KM maturity self-assessment which was developed by the IAEA for three types of organizations: nuclear power plants (NPPs), research and development (R&D) organizations and universities.