In this module, you will learn about the general concept of quantum computation. You will learnwhat a qubit is and how to transform it. You will also learn about the existing models of quantumcomputation, which are fundamentally different from each other in the way they are implemented inpractice.
One-way Computation in Discrete Variables
In this module, you will know what a discrete variable cluster state is and how it can be used toperform one-way quantum computation. You will learn how cluster states are generated inexperiments and what difficulties there are in the practical implementation of this computationmodel.
Physical Systems in Continuous Variables
The third module will deal with continuous variable physical systems. You will learn how such systems differ from discrete variable systems. We will also figure out how to organize quantum computing using such systems.
One-way Computation in Continuous Variables
In the fourth module, you will learn about continuous-variable one-way quantum computation. You will understand how to generate cluster states and how to experimentally verify that this state is acluster state and suitable for one-way computation.
Quantum Codes of Error Correction for One-way Computation
In the final module, you will learn about quantum error correction codes. You will know how to build error correction codes that are capable of correcting any quantum computation error. Inaddition, you will learn what GKP states are and how you can correct the quadrature displacementerror using these states.