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Operating System Foundations

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Acerca de este curso

  • Operating System Foundations
    • This is an introductory course to what an actual operating system is. People often confuse operating systems with browsers and many other things. We talk about the differences in the operating systems, Linux, Windows and MacOS, and how they came to be.
  • Windows Command Line Foundations
    • This course is an introduction to the Windows command line and includes hands-on exercises. The goal is not to make the learner a command-line master, but to provide an introduction that will make the student comfortable with bootcamps requiring command-line entry.
  • Linux Command line Foundations
    • This course gets the learner right into the thick of the command line from the Linux perspective and is designed to get the learner started on using Linux and the Linux command line. We spend time building students' confidence with the Linux command line so that really in-depth boot camps won't leave the learner struggling with topics like syntax. This course is an important step if you plan on pursuing a role such as entry-level pentester, cybersecurity analyst or basically any technical cybersecurity role.
  • Pen Test Demo
    • This course is a walkthrough of a typical penetration test. We end the course with a peek into the real world of a cybersecurity job role, as penetration testing is one of the expertise areas of the instructor.