Planning a Patient Safety or Quality Improvement Project (Patient Safety III)

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Acerca de este curso

  • Project Selection Strategy and Tools You Can Use
    • In this module, you will see the process for defining, scoping, selecting and prioritizing improvement initiatives. Further, you will learn necessary team characteristics and organizational support structures.
  • A3 Thinking
    • In this module, you will be introduced to the process and format of A3 problem solving. You will learn the key components of an A3 for to define and start an improvement project to maximize your chances of success. Additionally, a set of tools will be covered that are commonly used in the actual improvement project, which will identify underlying process issues and their root causes.
  • Translating Research Into Practice
    • This module explains the Translating Research into Practice (TRiP) model. It is a methodology to facilitate the adoption and use of evidence-based therapies. This model itself uses a collaborative knowledge translation model for wider sharing of knowledge into practice.
  • Design Thinking
    • In this module, we will cover a process called Design Thinking. It is a human-centered design approach that fosters out-of the-box thinking to create innovative solutions. The process builds the design iteratively in a highly collaborative team approach. The five steps of design thinking will be covered: Learn, Define, Ideate, Protype, and Test.