Principles of Secure Coding

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Acerca de este curso

  • Secure Programming Philosophy
    • In this module, you'll be able to describe key concepts in secure programming including typical problems and procedures. You'll be able to differentiate between robust programming and secure programming and you'll generalize from philosophies of "what to watch out for" and "where to look" to specific situations.
  • Secure Programming Design Principles
    • In this module, you will be able to recall eight software design principles that govern secure programming. You will write a short program, in any language you like, to determine whether the system enforces the Principle of Complete Mediation. You'll be able to apply design principles from Saltzer, Schroeder and Kaashoek to code situations.
  • Robust Programming
    • In this module, you will be able to explain the issues that can arise from fragile programming. You'll be able to discuss how design issues drive implementation and be able to distinguish between robust and fragile code. You'll be able to explain what can go wrong in fragile code and be able to write a robust version of fragile code.
  • Methods for Robustness
    • In this module, you will be able to describe how to use techniques that mimic formal methods to improve the robustness and security of programs. You will also be able to compare and contrast formal, informal, and ad hoc programming methods. You'll be able to write a program to demonstrate how a poorly-written program or library can cause incorrect results.