This week, you will learn how to optimize your Rust development workflow using powerful tools such as programming suggestions, prompts with Copilot, and GitHub Codespaces. By diving into the lessons on programming with suggestions, using prompts with Copilot, and exploring the fundamentals of Codespaces, you will acquire the skills to streamline your coding process and collaborate more efficiently with others.
Rust Fundamentals
This week, you will dive into the essential concepts of control flow, error handling, and functions in Rust programming. By exploring the lessons on conditional statements, loops (including the while and for loops), break and continue statements, match control flow, and error handling, you will gain a solid understanding of how to effectively control the flow of your code and handle errors. Additionally, you will explore the fundamentals of functions in Rust, including unit functions, return values, using arguments, and the borrowing concept.
Using Structs, Types, and Enums
This week, you will learn about various data structures and types in Rust. We'll cover defining structs, creating instances, and associated functions. Additionally, you'll explore string manipulation using String and str types. The course will also touch upon vectors, covering value retrieval and element addition. You'll gain familiarity with enums, including the Option enum and its applications, as well as using vectors with enums. Lastly, we'll focus on exhaustive matches for handling enum cases. Practical assessments throughout the course will reinforce your understanding of Rust's data structures and types.
Applying Rust
This week you will explore advanced topics related to code organization, testing, documentation, and library development. By delving into the lessons on verifying code with doctest, working with public and private modules, managing public and private fields, organizing test files, writing tests for your code, testing private code, using test failure messages effectively, and documenting your code, you will acquire the necessary skills to create robust and well-structured Rust projects.