HubSpot vía Coursera

Sales Training: Techniques for a Human-Centric Sales Process

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Acerca de este curso

  • Techniques for a Human-Centric Sales Process.
    • In this module, we'll introduce the course, what you can expect, and the importance of being able to sell.
  • How To Find Businesses To Sell To
    • In this module, we'll introduce how to find businesses to sell to, referred to as prospecting. We'll cover basic prospecting techniques on Google, social media, networking events and more passive prospecting through simple inbound marketing for salespeople. There are further readings to learn about other prospecting tactics, activities for you to complete, and assessments to take.
  • How to Book Meetings with Your Prospects
    • In this module, you will learn how to filter for high-quality, good fit prospects. You'll do this by writing effective prospecting emails that communicate your value proposition to book meetings with prospects. We've provided further readings and resources to help you write better emails, activities for you to complete, and assessments to take.
  • Qualifying a Prospect Through Conversation
    • In this module, you're going to learn about the importance of the exploratory call and how that helps you further qualify your prospects through conversation. You'll get scripts and phrases to help you run the call and get the information you need while building a relationship with your prospects. There are further readings to learn about other prospecting tactics, activities for you to complete, and assessments to take.
  • Handle Objections and Close the Deal
    • In this module, you've nearly reached the end of the sales process and will learn how to handle objections, negotiate, and close the deal. You'll learn three closing techniques and the do's and don'ts of negotiation. There are further readings to learn about other prospecting tactics, activities for you to complete, and assessments to take.
  • Congrats!