We will begin this course by exploring the nature of Skepticism through an investigation of foundational concepts of truth and knowledge. We'll also discuss how current issues in public debate (climate change denial, fake news etc) trade on Skepticism; but how a moderate skepticism can also be a force for good.
Is Knowledge Impossible?
How does one know that we are not a Brain-in-a-Vat? And how can we know that we are or are not? In this module will explore what kinds of things can, and cannot, motivate skeptical doubt. We will also review the radical skeptical hypotheses, and why we can’t rule it out. We'll conclude by discussing the radical skeptical paradox.
Defending Knowledge
So how does one respond to radical skepticism? In this module we will discuss strategies for responding to the idea that knowledge is impossible. We will also examine the contributions of the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein on the possibility of global rational evaluation.
Skepticism as a Way of Life
What does Skepticism have to do with "the good life"? In this module we will learn from Aristotle, an Ancient philosopher that believed that the good life is a life of virtue. We will explore how intellectual vices and virtues go hand-in-hand with moderate Skepticism.