This class is taught in three units over 5 weeks
- Getting
started with data (1 week)
- Single
variable graphics and number summaries (1 week)
- Graphics
and number summaries describing the relationship between two variables (2
- Review (1 week)
The full list of topics are as follows:
Unit 1, Getting Started with Data- 01_01
- 01_02
Data, Variables, Unit of Observation/Analysis
Unit 2, Single Variable Description- 02_01
Graphics: Histogram, Boxplot
- 02_02
Number Summaries: Center
- 02_03
Number Summaries: Spread
- 02_04
Transformation and Standardization
- 02_05
Bell-shaped Curves
Unit 3, Describing Relationships Between
Two Variables- 03_01
Two Categorical Variables: Mosaic Plots
- 03_02
Two Categorical Variables: Contingency Tables
- 03_03
One Categorical, One Numeric Variable: Side by Side Boxplots
- 03_04
Two Categorical Variables: Correlation
- 03_05
Two Numeric Variables: Regression
- 03_06:03_09 Review of entire course