Unitys Ads
-The rise of mobile gaming and free-to-play games has ushered in a need for advertisements that keep games profitable and accessible. A good developer will make certain the ads don’t detract from gameplay, and the clever programmer can even use them to make the game better. Unity Ads gives game developers an easy method for doing all this. For the first week of this course, you’ll introduce ads into your Infinite Platformer. You’ll have to determine whether to use Simple or Rewarded Ads by analyzing their potential for supplementing game mechanics and contributing towards the player experience.
In App Purchases
-Multiplayer games have never been as big as they are, and a player’s identity online has become a cultural force. Avatar customization is in high demand. Also on the rise as free-to-play games that allow willing players to pay to unlock features at an accelerated rate. Both of these examples incorporate In App Purchasing (IAP) to accomplish these goals. This week you’ll add In App Purchasing to your game, allowing players to customize their game and purchase entitlements. You’ll need to understand the backend functionality, UI elements, how how to tie them all together.
Unity Analytics
-Broadband has radically altered the way our world works, and this unparalleled access to information is available to you as a game developer. Gone are the days when a game is released and assumed unmodifiable. Player feedback can be gathered, analyzed, and used to improve the gameplay experience. Unity Analytics makes the process easy, and having a solid understanding of it will help you take full advantage of all that information. This week you’ll begin collecting data on your game using Unity Analytics. You’ll have to go back to the GDD to see how the game is intended to be experienced and set up data events to verify how players are doing. Unity’s Heatmap and Dashboard will give you quick access to how players are playing your game, and for a more in-depth look you can look at the raw data. Informed modifications to improve performance and experience will be your ultimate goal.
Unity Cloud Build
-Testing your changes is a critical function of game development, and when you have multiple target platforms to build for, or have multiple people contributing to a single project, making sure you have the latest and greatest build can be a chore on your and your CPU. Using Unity Cloud Build to automate this process frees up you and your computer to keep making great games while being certain your games are ready for testing. By evaluating your needs and tweaking the build process, you’ll save time, productivity, and possibly sanity. This week’s content utilizes Unity Cloud Build, a feature of Unity Teams Advanced. If you don’t have access to this, don’t worry - you can still learn a lot by watching and listening. Besides, it’s Unity’s build farms that doing the hard work here. You’ll learn how both teams and solo developers are taking advantage of Unity Cloud Build to keep game builds up to date across multiple platforms. You’ll be analyzing build logs, looking for ways to increase build qualities across multiple platforms, or just optimize the build quality for one specific platform.