Wharton Business Foundations Capstone

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  • Start Here
    • Welcome to the Business Foundations Capstone Project! We've used this course shell to bring you the resources and tools you need to envision, plan, develop, and submit your Capstone Project. Please study the readings below which provide you with the resources and timeline you need to complete a successful capstone. Then, please take the Project Scope Quiz. You must score 100% on all 5 questions to pass the quiz, but you have multiple opportunities to retake the quiz until you score 100%.
  • Choosing your Project and Videos for Review
    • In this module, you'll write your Description of the product or service you will develop further in a full opportunity analysis for your final project. Because deciding what you will spend the next few weeks researching is such an important step, you'll submit it for peer review so you can get feedback on the validity and feasibility of your idea before you devote more time and effort to it. Once you submit your idea, please review the Project Descriptions of five of your peers.
  • Marketing Plan for Review
    • In this Module, you'll write your Marketing Plan for your product or service that will be part of your final project. Because determining who the audience is for a product or service, and how to talk the audience about it is critical to the success of your capstone, you'll have the opportunity to get feedback on creativity and analytical strength of your marketing plan before you submit is as part of your final project. Once you submit your idea, please review the Marketing Plans of five of your peers.
  • Preparing the Rough Draft, and Accounting and Finance Videos for Review
    • Use this week to bring your project together. Finish drafts of each of your project segments, and have someone you trust read it and offer feedback. Use the forums to see if your peers will help you out. You can also post your draft in the forums for feedback if you like. There is no formal graded assignment this week.
  • Submitting your Capstone
    • Congratulations on completing your capstone! Now it is time to submit it for review. Once you do, please review the work of at least five of your peers. We can't wait to see what you've come up with!